Spiritual Life Counseling what to expect

Who will benefit from having a Spiritual Awareness Session? Everyone!

Catherine uses her unique Empathic gifts to guide you on a Spiritual Journey of Healing and Well-Being, bringing you ever closer to your “True” Self, the part of you that is Eternal; where “All Is Well”…

She works with those ranging from the beginning stages of discovering the Higher Spiritual Realms and realities, to those who have been travelling the Spiritual Path for eons and everyone in between.

Perhaps you have had deeper Spiritual questions that you’ve been hesitant to ask, afraid of being ridiculed. Or maybe you’ve never felt as if you’ve belonged or fit in. because of your unique sensitivities. Have you just grown tired of Being someone that you’re not or no longer care to be? Or perhaps you just need a “tune up” or need a “Guide Post” on your already amazing Spiritual Journey.

Because no one individual is alike, each Spiritual Awareness Session is unique and tailored specifically for each client. Catherine uses her experience, research and expertise of over 30 years studying intense esoteric subjects and discoveries from her own Spiritual Journey.

Each session can include, but not limited to, accessing your own Spirit or Spirit “Guides”, connection with loved ones who have “crossed over”, facilitating a look into your own Akashic Records or “Book of Life”. All used to gain clarity and acquire a better understanding into your current life’s challenges or to find your Souls purpose.

Spiritual Awareness Sessions or “Readings” generally begin with basic questions or voicing your concerns. And typically last between 1 and 1 ½ hrs. Sessions are not recorded, so it is recommended you take notes or use your own recording devises.

Most Sessions are given over the phone typically, however special arrangements can be made to have sessions given in person at Blue Gate Sanctuary.